Admiral Peary Area Vo-Tech School Auction
Surplus Equipment & Fixtures
Equipment: Gilson portable cement mixer on single axle, Clipper wet saw (Block Buster), Clipper concrete floor saw, Clipper tile saw, Electric single bag cement mixer, Delta 20” planer, Powermatic table saw, Bosch table router, Grizzly 16” scroll saw, VRL metal fabricator, Furnus Powermatic blade welder, Atlas Copco air compressor, VTO 23” burnisher, 24 + 36 volt battery chargers, Coats tire machine, Air conditioning recovery machines, Sun engine analyzer, Sun emissions tester, spools of asst wire, wheeled racks & desks, cubicle desks, 8’ Pro Plus snow plow for GMC, John Deere dirt blade w/ attachments, bench seats for vans & trucks, Honeywell air compressor 36 x 60 lawn cart. More items added daily!!
Fixtures: Large selection of Cosmetology equip (wash sinks-hydraulic chairs-Cosmo station-dryers), many 2-3-4 drawer file cabinets, lots office chairs (swivel-straight-computer), Asst desks w/credenzas, 8’ folding tables, base cupboards, metal wall cabinets, lockers, utility cabinets, electronic cash registers, lot of lavatory sinks, lg lot of sawdust duct filters, lot of 24 & 48” light fixtures, 24x24” drop in lights, drafting tables, SS hot kitchen station, Manitowoc 75lb ice machine, paper towel dispensers, refrigerators, washer & dryer, 30” stoves, glass & wooden shelving, floor scrubbers, vacuums, hot water & forced air gas & oil furnaces, florescent light globes, fire alarm control board, & more!!
Special Item: Portable miniature golf course
Terms of Sale:
Cash or Check w/ Photo ID. Out of state Checks with letter of credit from bank. Credit Cards w 5% Buyers Premium. No absentee bids. Sold "As Is". Preview starts at 3:00pm sale day. Please bring provisions to move all purchases day of sale and school is requesting Immediate Removal.
Pictures available on AuctionZip
Fixtures: Large selection of Cosmetology equip (wash sinks-hydraulic chairs-Cosmo station-dryers), many 2-3-4 drawer file cabinets, lots office chairs (swivel-straight-computer), Asst desks w/credenzas, 8’ folding tables, base cupboards, metal wall cabinets, lockers, utility cabinets, electronic cash registers, lot of lavatory sinks, lg lot of sawdust duct filters, lot of 24 & 48” light fixtures, 24x24” drop in lights, drafting tables, SS hot kitchen station, Manitowoc 75lb ice machine, paper towel dispensers, refrigerators, washer & dryer, 30” stoves, glass & wooden shelving, floor scrubbers, vacuums, hot water & forced air gas & oil furnaces, florescent light globes, fire alarm control board, & more!!
Special Item: Portable miniature golf course
Terms of Sale:
Cash or Check w/ Photo ID. Out of state Checks with letter of credit from bank. Credit Cards w 5% Buyers Premium. No absentee bids. Sold "As Is". Preview starts at 3:00pm sale day. Please bring provisions to move all purchases day of sale and school is requesting Immediate Removal.
Pictures available on AuctionZip
Templeton Auctioneers
Wayne Dave Becky
AU-001110 AU-005058 AA019266 (ID #1007 for photos)
Wayne Dave Becky
AU-001110 AU-005058 AA019266 (ID #1007 for photos)