Horse Farm Dispersal & Real Estate Auction
Valuable Real Estate – Vehicles – Farm & Horse Equipment
TYM 603 4X4 tractor w/bucket & cab(1860 hrs), 1994 Custom Fab 4 horse trailer, goose-neck flatbed trailer, Case 1816 uni-loader, IH 350 manure spreader, 2 btm plow & disk, scraper bucket, 3 pt ht Massey scle bar mower, NH corn sheller, oats crimper, hay wagon frame.
2003 Dodge Ram Quad Cab w/Cummins turbo 6spd, 2009 Chevy Impala
Lincoln AC welder, Craftsman air compressor, Karcher pressure washer, dump cart, wheelbarrows, shovels, forks, aluminum extension ladder, hand & chain saws, round hay feeder, some small hand tools
Horse/Tack items:
Assorted Western & English saddles, all sizes blankets & coolers, halters-leads-reins-bridles, 2 sets harness, trailer ties, feed bins, water buckets, grooming equipment, 2 Sulkeys, Doctor buggy, snow sleigh, buggy & sleigh shafts & More!!!!!
Milk cans, bags of ear corn, old church pew, antique paneled doors, canning jars, Lg & Sm snow shoes, Mail Pouch tobacco thermometer, old blue canning jars, lg & sm cast iron dinner bells, crocks
Household items:
Upright freezer, refrigerator, bedroom suite, dining rm table w/ 6 chairs
Real Estate:
35 Acres more or less of pasture-woodland-farm structures. Public & private water, 2 story farm house, large training & horse boarding barn, bank barn, machinery storage canopy. Located on Rte 422 near Indiana & Ebensburg. Penns Manor Schools. Sale subject to approval.
Cash or Check w/ Photo ID. No out of state Checks. Credit Cards w 5% Buyers Premium. No absentee bids. Sold "As Is". Preview 8:00 am sale day. The Real Estate needs 10% down day of sale with the Balance due in 60 days. Lunch Stand available.
Pictures available on AuctionZip
TYM 603 4X4 tractor w/bucket & cab(1860 hrs), 1994 Custom Fab 4 horse trailer, goose-neck flatbed trailer, Case 1816 uni-loader, IH 350 manure spreader, 2 btm plow & disk, scraper bucket, 3 pt ht Massey scle bar mower, NH corn sheller, oats crimper, hay wagon frame.
2003 Dodge Ram Quad Cab w/Cummins turbo 6spd, 2009 Chevy Impala
Lincoln AC welder, Craftsman air compressor, Karcher pressure washer, dump cart, wheelbarrows, shovels, forks, aluminum extension ladder, hand & chain saws, round hay feeder, some small hand tools
Horse/Tack items:
Assorted Western & English saddles, all sizes blankets & coolers, halters-leads-reins-bridles, 2 sets harness, trailer ties, feed bins, water buckets, grooming equipment, 2 Sulkeys, Doctor buggy, snow sleigh, buggy & sleigh shafts & More!!!!!
Milk cans, bags of ear corn, old church pew, antique paneled doors, canning jars, Lg & Sm snow shoes, Mail Pouch tobacco thermometer, old blue canning jars, lg & sm cast iron dinner bells, crocks
Household items:
Upright freezer, refrigerator, bedroom suite, dining rm table w/ 6 chairs
Real Estate:
35 Acres more or less of pasture-woodland-farm structures. Public & private water, 2 story farm house, large training & horse boarding barn, bank barn, machinery storage canopy. Located on Rte 422 near Indiana & Ebensburg. Penns Manor Schools. Sale subject to approval.
Cash or Check w/ Photo ID. No out of state Checks. Credit Cards w 5% Buyers Premium. No absentee bids. Sold "As Is". Preview 8:00 am sale day. The Real Estate needs 10% down day of sale with the Balance due in 60 days. Lunch Stand available.
Pictures available on AuctionZip
Templeton Auctioneers
Wayne Dave Becky
AU-001110 AU-005058 AA019266 (ID #1007 for photos)
Wayne Dave Becky
AU-001110 AU-005058 AA019266 (ID #1007 for photos)